Site Restrictions / Guidance Notes
Applies to everyone on site, in whatever capacity they may be acting.
Drones & Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
This rule refers to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drones.
These are defined as aircraft without pilots on board and fall within two categories based on the way they are controlled:
UAVs are flown via a remote control and are limited by the range of the transmitter, this includes all remote controlled aerial devices such as model airplanes and helicopters, including devices commonly referred to as drones but operating under remote control. These devices may be electric or petrol powered.
Drones are devices which are programmable and/or automated (using an on board computer system). All activities involving UAV's must follow the regulations set out by the Civil Aviation Authority.
- Scout led use of drones is not permitted and is not insured by The Scout Association. Members may only take part in activities using automated drones if this activity is operated by an external provider with appropriate aviation insurance cover.
- Members may use UAVs which are operated using a remote control.
- When operating UAVs, members must ensure that the site chosen for this activity is appropriate. consideration must be made to proximity to airfields and other similar environments as well as overhead power lines. nature reserves and/or private property.
- Permission must be granted from the owner of the land and/or property that will be under the planned flight path of the UAV, especially where images are being captured.
If uncertain about the insurance requirements when operating using UAVs and/or Drones, contact Unity (Scout Insurance Services).
Site Access Recommendations.
For all camps big or small;
Arrival and Departure times of campers should be well staggered and the access lane (Sandy Lane)
should be considered a one way flow to alleviate congestion in the single track road.
(Enter from Shedfield/Botley Road end and Exit via the Waltham Chase end).
Playing Music and Showing Films.
Must be closed down by 10pm and sound kept to a level as not to interfere with other campers, neighbours, etc
Showing films or playing music on site is considered a "public performance" and requires a licence.
A single event licence can be obtained at a reasonable cost from any of the licensing authorities.
For example; PPL (Phonographic Performance Ltd) and PRS (Performing Rights Society), who represent the interests of different music copyright holders, have a joint licence scheme. MPLC (Motion Picture Licensing Company) for DVDs.
Site Alcohol Restriction.
- Adults should not consume alcohol in an area that is visible or accessible by under 18 year olds.
- Adults should not consume alcohol in the presence of under 18 year olds.
- Under no circumstances should young people under the age of 18 be allowed to consume alcohol on the site.
- During Scouting events, which are attended by under 18 year olds, the following applies:
- At any one time at least two adults, depending on the size and nature of the event, must not consume alcohol.
- Any adults who do consume alcohol must not interact with young people and should be 'off duty'.
- During 'off duty' periods, adults in Scouting also need to take into account the effects alcohol can have and how it may affect their fitness to fulfil their Scouting duties.
Site Smoking Restriction.
During 2006 and 2007 new legislation came into force around the UK to ban smoking in public places.
- All buildings on the site, including marquees and tents at camps or activities are smoke free. This means you must not smoke in our buildings or adjacent to a building such that smoke could drift in to them. (At least 10 feet from doors or windows)
- Adults should not smoke in an area that is visible or accessible by under 18 year olds.
- The well being of the young people on our site is paramount and we must ensure that
no young person is subjected to tobacco smoke.
- It is unacceptable to allow young people (under 18 ) to smoke while on the site.
- Adults who smoke in full view of young people are not providing a good example.
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Large Camps & Whole Site Bookings (Member Districts Only)
Large camps are normally held as 'whole site bookings' and are arranged & planned in cooperation with the
site management team well in advance. Because we are a private site run entirely by volunteers,
close cooperation between organisers and the site team is essential to ensure a smooth and successful camp.
It is not possible to exceed the 700 limit.
With a limited amount of car parking on site, transportation is also a major issue.
How to proceed;
Please contact the booking secretary for possible avalibility (dates) followed up by an
email for inital contact regarding a proposed large camp and a member of the site team
will then contact you to discuss your requiremtns & details.
For all camps big or small;
Arrival and Departure times of campers should be well staggered and the access lane (Sandy Lane)
should be considered a one way flow to alleviate congestion in the single track road.
(Enter from Shedfield/Botley Road end and Exit via the Waltham Chase end).
Please note
- Large Camp or Whole Site bookings at Bank Holiday weekends
have a minimum of three nights stay.
The way we price for a whole site booking.
There is a fixed fee for the use of the entire site per night, depending on number of users, up to 700 people.
This includes all buildings and site activities, but exclude external use of utilities;
such as power for bouncy castles, large water pools, which are charged seperatly, and the use of the Cave Bus.
Fireworks on the Site Are Not permitted.
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